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How do you get rid of fish scales on legs?2021-04-29 11:47:05
How do you get rid of fish scales on legs?

Fish Scales On Legs may be due to dryness or ichthyosis. Please consult Zhangjian Therapy for a painless and convenient treatment.

Why do I have scales on my legs?

Dry skin on legs looks like snakeskin. The most common cause of scaly skin on other parts of the body can also affect the legs. However, if the scaly skin on legs is not improved with a moisturizer, it may be a sign of a more serious problem.

What is scaly skin?

Why does my skin look scaly? Dry, scaly skin is usually the result of a combination of many factors, which may be related to damage to the skin barrier, causing moisture loss. When the skin's natural renewal process is disrupted, the accumulation of dead cells can lead to scaly skin. The natural aging process, climate, prolonged immersion in water, and external stimuli can cause dryness or scales on the skin.

Fish Scales On Legs

Fish Scales On Legs

What is Ichthyosis?

Ichthyosis is a group of about 20 skin conditions that cause dryness and shedding of the skin. The name of the disease comes from the Greek word "fish" because the skin of the fish looks like fish scales. You may also hear it called ichthyosis or fish skin disease.

People with this disease lose the protective barrier that keeps the skin hydrated. They produce new skin cells too fast, and they shed old cells too slowly. This causes the accumulation of thick scaly skin. Most ichthyosis is mild.

It can cause a very itchy rash. The affected skin may also be thick and covered with scales. White or red skin bumps caused by keratosis pilaris look similar to acne, but they usually appear on the arms, thighs, or buttocks.


Types of Ichthyosis

 Ichthyosis vulgaris. One out of every 250 people suffers from this disease. Gray, brown, or white scales may appear in early childhood.

 X-linked recessive ichthyosis. One out of every 6000 people suffers from this disease, but only in men. It will increase your risk of testicular cancer. Women may be carriers, or they may have labor problems.


What are the clinical features of ichthyosis Vulgaris?

Symptoms of ichthyosis include thick, scaly, dry and cracked skin. If your child has ichthyosis, their skin may look normal at birth, but then gradually dries out and becomes scaly. Symptoms usually appear at 5 years of age.


What triggers ichthyosis?

Ichthyosis is usually caused by genetic mutations inherited from one or both parents. Children with genetic defects from only one parent will have milder symptoms of this disease. Those who inherited two defective genes have more severe ichthyosis Vulgaris.

It cannot be cured, but treatment could help you control dry and scaly skin. Apply creams, lotions, or ointments to the skin every day to increase moisture.


How to get rid of scaly skin?

Some people only need skincare in winter.

If ichthyosis is mild, you may only need treatment in winter. In humid climates, most ichthyosis will get better. Mild cases can be completely cured, and they will relapse when the air is dry in winter.

Improve dry, scaly skin

In addition to making small changes in daily life to help reduce dry skin, moisturizing skincare products such as moisturizers and shower gels can also help relieve dry scaly skin. Ceramide is a beneficial ingredient that can help repair the skin barrier and help the skin retain moisture


When to See a Dermatologist

If applying moisturizer twice a day still does not remove your fish scales on legs, you should see a dermatologist see if you have ichthyosis or other skin problems. Or there is a new method (home remedy) for you, please contact us. 

Chinese Medicine may give you more choices. We receive patients from all over the world every day, and there are many cases here.