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Can genetic testing help treat ichthyosis that makes dry skin?
With the increasing popularity of Zhangjian therapy in the world, Beijing Zhangjian Ichthyosis Research Institute has received many consultations from foreign patients recently. Most of them have provided us with detailed genetic test reports. Dr. Yang from the Zhangjian Ichthyosis Research Institute gave her opinions:
Genetic testing can help patients understand the condition, but under the current unclear legal and medical technical means, it is still an uncertain factor to treat ichthyosis by changing genes.
Zhang Jian Ichthyosis Research Institute has studied 30,000 ichthyosis patients for nearly 20 years and found that changing the growth environment of the patients' skin cells can repair the patient's ichthyosis skin condition without changing the genes.
How to change the growth environment of skin cells? Dr.Yang believes that a three-step process is required: the first step, Zhangjian Therapy uses fumigation to quickly fall off the scales. The second step is to dredging sweat glands, sebaceous glands, and hair follicles. At the same time, it infiltrates the repair factors contained in professional skincare products into the basal layer of the epidermis to repair the growth environment of skin cells. In the third step, the improved skin cell environment will restore most of the diseased cells from a 5-day life cycle to a normal 28-day life cycle. The life cycle of new skin cells is normal, and fish scale skin will not recur. It has been clinically proven that Zhangjian Therapy has an effective rate of 96.3%. This is currently the most effective way to improve the fish scale skin condition.
Zhang Jian Therapy was invented in 1975 and clinically applied in 2003. The clinical treatment has a history of 18 years and has obtained patent protection in China and the US. In 2020, Zhangjian Ichthyosis Research Institute is registered by US FDA.
Производитель гликолевой кислоты 70% CAS 79-14-1 из Китая
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